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The Art of the Walk Cycle with Tina Nawrocki | 2023

  • This course has closed.
Start DateDurationCostMax Participant Numbers
Tuesday the 10th, 17th and 24th of October at 7pm 3 Weeks€10015


Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet are delighted to welcome back Tina Nawrocki to present her latest workshop “The Art of the Walk Cycle”. Through the analysis of iconic animated walks of the past, to creating your very own 2D animated character walk, Tina Nawrocki will help participants “walk away” with a heightened appreciation of the exciting storytelling opportunities of something as simple as the way your character struts across screen.

What will this course cover?

  • Week 1 – Lecture, Rough pose, First rough test.
  • Week 2 – Rotations, overlapping action, and arms.
  • Week 3 – Details, and final critiques.

Through each session, Tina will provide a lecture portion where she analyses great animation walks and techniques from the past. She will likewise share her own, step-by-step process in the creation of a character walk.

Participants will design a 2D character within creative confines and then proceed through two rough phases of their character’s walk. Individual feedback will be provided after each phase.

Although the course will touch on animation basic such as arcs, squash and stretch, weight, and body rotation, the main focus will be on character building through the vehicle of the walk.

Finally, participants will tie down their character’s walk by adding the final polish to their drawings with detail and facial expressions.

Learning outcomes

The focus on the course is to streamline the technical process of creating a character walk in order to give the Animator more space for creativity and character-building. Every animator needs to fall in love with the potential of character walks.

Participant profile

This course is aimed at 2D or 3D animators from a range of backgrounds and experience levels who wish to dive deeper into animation basics while also fleshing out personality and character.


Tina Nawrocki is a 2D animator with 16 years of experience working in Video Games, Movies and TV. Best known for her work on the video game Cuphead, Tina has a near obsessive love for the art of 2D animation walk cycle.

Materials/equipment/software needed

Animation paper, pencils (col erase blue as well as HB) and a scanner OR A tablet and drawing software.

Animation software such as TVPaint or Harmony is preferred, but Adobe Photoshop, Flipbook or any other software that allows viewing of moving images is welcome.




Normally, the fee for this course would be €190 , but through Cultural & Creative Industries Skillnet we can offer this course at the subsidised members rate of €100.

Dates and times of the course

Tuesday the 10th, 17th and 24th of October from 7pm to 10pm 

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